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Remote Support

Our team is available to support you weekdays from 08:30 - 17:00 .  To log an incident ticket or make a change request now, log in using our "Support Portal" link.

Click on the "Sign in with Microsoft" button, and you will be able to log in with your Microsoft 365 username and password.

If you cannot remember your Microsoft 365 username and password, you can log a ticket using this alternative form.

Before doing so - below are some frequently asked questions that may help you immediately

Existing customer?


Download remote access tool

For our supported customers, normally we will be able to connect to your machine using our remote management tools that are already installed on your machine.  However if this is not possible, in order to connect to your screen we may sometimes direct you here and ask you to download the following remote support applications. 

Please only do this if asked to by one of our support technicians.  If you are in anyway unsure that the person you're speaking to is from Cambridge Networks, do not enable a remote support connection with them.  

To download, click the link below to begin:

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